Helping You Find Natural Ways to Take Care of Yourself

When it comes to taking care of your body, you don’t always have to use chemicals and pharmaceutical drugs to treat what ails you. Sometimes, what your body needs are more natural treatments. We have been there, struggling to take care of our bodies and using more natural methods to treat our ailments. We understand the struggle to take care of your body naturally, which is why we are here to help you learn about natural healthcare methods that you can use to take care of your body. Our objective is to educate you about how to take care of your body naturally.

How Might A Naturopath Treat Your Allergies?


Allergies are tough to deal with. Yes, once you identify your triggers, you can do your best to avoid them. But avoiding them 100 percent is not always possible. If you're allergic to something like dust or mould, you'll encounter it from time to time, and you need to have a treatment or two nearby that you can call on for relief. One approach is to see a naturopath, which is a doctor who aims to take a natural approach whenever possible. Here are some of the ways an allergy naturopath may treat your allergies.

Saline Rinses

If your key allergy symptoms are nasal and sinus-related, your naturopath may recommend using saline rinses for relief. You can place saline in a nasal irrigation device and let it flow into your sinuses. The saline will not only rinse away a lot of the mucous that is making you feel sniffly or stuffy—it will also clear the allergens themselves out of your sinus passages, which should help get rid of your symptoms. This approach works well for many people with mild to moderate environmental allergies, such as allergies to mould and pollen.

Local Honey

A naturopath may also recommend that you obtain some local honey and eat it on a daily basis. This works well for many patients with a pollen allergy. The honey will contain some pollen from the local plants that you're allergic to. Exposing yourself to tiny bits of this pollen over time dulls your body's immune response to the allergens. Eventually, when you encounter that pollen "in the wild," your body won't react with such intense allergy symptoms.

It is really important that the honey used for this treatment is raw and local. Honey that has been heated no longer contains live pollen granules. Honey that's not local will contain pollen from other areas, not your own.

Stinging Nettle

Stinging nettle is a herb that is good at reducing inflammation. It is often recommended for patients who have allergies as it helps relieve the swelling, itchiness and mucous production they experience in their nasal cavities after inhaling pollen or other allergens. Your naturopath may give you stinging nettle pills or tea made from stinging nettle. It is important to take it as soon as you notice allergy symptoms beginning to flare up.

If you struggle with allergies, it's a good idea to see an allergist in your area. They can review your case and recommend one or more of the remedies above.


22 November 2022